What can Telespazio Belgium do to better serve Wallonia and Belgium? This was the main subject of Minister Di Rupo’s visit and it has been dealt with important partners around the table: Tommy Leclercq (Governor) from the Hainaut Province, Bruno Vermeire (Chairman EU GNSS SAB) from EUSPA, Georges Cottin (General Consellor) from Idelux and Massimo Baldinato (Vice-President International Institutional Affairs) from Leonardo.
Telespazio Group, Telespazio Belgium and EUSPA were each presented in turn to the Minister-President and his team to place our company in its current context.
This was followed by a visit to the Galileo Integrated Logistics Service Center (GILSC) and its operational warehouse, to show the visitors the strategic importance of this building within the local facilities of Telespazio Belgium. During this visit, the involvement in the Galileo project was presented as responsible towards the Galileo operator Spaceopal for the operations support in 15 Galileo ground stations spread all over the world (Galileo Remote Sites).
After this visit, a technical presentation awaited our guests. Nicola De Quattro (Head of Engineering and Innovation) and Elena Francioni (Sales Manager, e-GEOS) demonstrated several high-tech applications and products that Telespazio Group companies (Geo-Spatial Information Line of Business) are working on. These aimed to show the various solutions and applications in the field of geo information that Telespazio can bring to Belgium:
- Emergency Mapping Service platform, using COPERNICUS data for the management and organisation of the territory in case of natural disasters
- Interpherometric Satellite Analysis and AWARE platform, using COSMO/SKYMED data for stability and health monitoring of buildings, bridges and other infrastructures
- The AGRIGEO platform for the intelligent and efficient control of modern agriculture based on Earth Observation data
The objective of this presentation was to show how Telespazio Belgium is bringing Space applications to Earth to make technologies available to public authorities and citizens of Wallonia, and Belgium in general, in their economic recovery and in the territorial projects.